Saturday, September 24, 2011

Hope Deferred

I've walked so many roads
with hopes and dreams in tow,
only to crash headlong
into end after dead end.
Disheartened, I now approach
each new road
with less hope
and fewer dreams.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


fighting the desire to look at you
i look out the window
i wish i could
gaze into your eyes
share my soul with you
learn your heart
see your hurts and dreams

i wish i could
but this cannot be
will not be
instead i retreat
and view your reflection
unknown to you
and so far from me

Monday, September 5, 2011


If I had the music,
I would have my song.
These words would have their melody,
and feel like they belong.

I've tried to force the notes,
and arrange the song myself.
The music never fits
and leaves me where I started.

I long for someone to
surround my words with music,
write what I can't write,
and complete with me this song.

Book Update

Hey, guys! Just wanted to let you know that we've set a deadline of September 30th to submit our book for its initial printing. Hopefully, we are able to make said deadline. In the meantime I've decided to start posting again. :o)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

My Father

I know I said I wasn't going to post any more poems until the book was released (which is long overdue), but this is a special one.

I know a man whose face has seen more
than its share of sweat and tears.
Behind his eyes reside years of worry and
This man’s hands speak of cuts and
bruises too many to number.
He is often exhausted of energy and

I know a man who works harder and
loves deeper than any other.
Behind his eyes I see this
love − unconditional and limitless.
This man’s hands routinely build
masterpieces where nothing once
He gives selflessly to others without

I know this man.
This man is my father.
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